Un sobre negro con una flecha blanca apuntando hacia abajo sobre un fondo blanco.


Una silueta negra de un teléfono sobre un fondo blanco.

952 864 214

Veterinary emergencies in Marbella


With Equus-Can, our centre located in Marbella, you and your pet will receive excellent care in all our services, including veterinary emergencies (outside our opening hours, carried out by the Urvet Emergency Centre). Remember that you can call us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at our telephone number 607149835 (which will be diverted to Urvet when we are closed).

Health and geriatric check-ups

As a preventive measure, it is important to carry out a complete check-up on your pet at least once a year. It is highly recommended that older dogs (7 to 9 years old) undergo a check-up in which we can detect any health problems, thus minimising future risks.

Una mujer está mirando una radiografía en la pantalla de una computadora.
Un coche plateado con la palabra equus lata escrita en el lateral.

Veterinary service at home

At Equus-Can we provide home service when your pet requires it. Although whenever possible, we recommend that you come to our clinic where we have all the necessary equipment. However, we understand that in the case of elderly animals, those that are disabled or suffering from stress, it is much more appropriate to attend to them directly at home.

If you need to travel to the clinic, we offer you the option of taking care of it ourselves.

24 hour emergency service

You can contact us by calling the emergency number: 607 149 835. Outside our opening hours, emergencies will be attended to at Urvet Calle Padre Paco Ostos, 9 (going up the bus station before reaching the Don Miguel hotel)


This is a diagnostic method that will help us to find out what is wrong with our pet. The main advantage is that it is not invasive and does not require sedation of the animal, except in extreme cases.

You will be treated by a veterinarian specialized in this technique, which can even diagnose:

  • Stones in the urinary bladder.
  • Infections in the uterus.
  • State of pregnancy.
  • Digestive, renal, hepatic pathologies.
Una computadora portátil está colocada encima de un carrito en una habitación.
Una mujer está tomando una radiografía de un perro.

Indirect Digital Radiography

We were pioneers in Marbella when we implemented the digital radiography service in our veterinary clinic.

It is not necessary to sedate the animal before using the X-ray machine. If this were the case, the anesthesia would be of short duration and the effects would be reversed once the test is over.

Electrocardiograms and noninvasive blood pressure measurements

We have state-of-the-art equipment to perform electrocardiograms, obtaining an immediate assessment. We also have a specialized cardiology service that will help us in more complex cases.

Also, in the operating room we have a monitor that is capable of performing an exhaustive control of the heart's functioning during anesthesia.

We have the HDO system for non-invasive blood pressure measurement so that during the consultation we can know the blood pressure values of your animal, using a painless, fairly fast and sensitive method.


In our laboratory we have a blood analysis machine for both hematological and biochemical analysis. We can perform blood and urine profiles, obtaining the results in just a few minutes, with the advantage that this brings with it to be able to apply an effective treatment quickly to your pet.

We offer the possibility of performing IDEXX tests, which are rapid tests for detecting viruses, stool and urine analyses. These analyses will be carried out in less than 15 minutes at our centre.

For the rest of the studies, such as biopsies, allergy tests, hormone tests, etc., we continue to work with external laboratories so we will give you the results once they are sent to us.

Una mujer con uniforme médico trabaja con una computadora en un laboratorio.
Una persona sostiene un perro pequeño envuelto en una manta azul.
Hay un lavabo en el medio de la habitación.


In case of extreme need, your pet can be hospitalized during daytime hours in our clinic, where we will provide the necessary care, as well as special attention from our team and especially from our assistant.


We have veterinarians who are specialists in surgery. We will perform any type of intervention on your pet, regardless of whether it is a sterilization or the removal of a foreign object. We will carry out an exhaustive follow-up of the anesthetic recovery with a veterinarian always monitoring the procedure and subsequently a close follow-up of the recovery from the intervention.

Una persona está siendo operada en un quirófano
Una persona con guantes morados está examinando los dientes de un perro.

Oral cleanings

Maintaining good oral health is also important for dogs and cats, as they are not exempt from suffering from periodontal and/or tartar diseases. At Equus-Can we perform dental cleanings to eliminate any bacteria residing in your pet's mouth, thus preventing serious pathologies in other organic systems such as the heart, liver and even lungs.

In addition, we have a graduate in dentistry who will also help you in processes such as:

  • Fillings.
  • Root canals.
  • Orthodontic appliances.
  • Tooth extractions.

As you can see, we have everything you need to care for your pet.

Una veterinaria examina un gato naranja en una mesa.
Una mujer con un uniforme azul examina a un perro pequeño.
Un perro está siendo examinado por dos veterinarias
Una mujer sostiene un perro pequeño frente a un cartel que dice cuidamos de su mascota